
Our partnerships help us to enhance and develop our expert range of products and services.

A commitment to improving quality within the fitness industry.

We are dedicated to enabling students to realise their full potential. Our partnerships, comprised of suppliers, industry experts, and individuals help us accomplish this through innovation and market intelligence. By developing a training programme for exercise and fitness teachers, the London Central YMCA has ensured the high quality of its own courses and set standards of excellence in exercise teacher training.

YMCAfit is committed to raising standards in the fitness industry by ensuring the instructors we train have the skills knowledge and confidence not just to perform their role, but to exceed the expectations of employers and customers. We aim to produce instructors who inspire the broadest possible range of people to improve their health and physical fitness. Furthermore, our partners ensure that students have the best opportunity to be successful in the fitness industry. 

Why partner with us

At the digital forefront of the industry
Strong affiliations with governing bodies 
Graduate support and work placement 
Access to special projects including Retrain to Retain
Advanced training in specialist fields

Our Partners: